about me

Hi, I'm Remy! Nice to meet you :)

20 | nonbinary-guy-thing | they/them | queer ace | music technology student

A pixel art GIF of neon green slime dripping.

I'm a college senior and I work at the IT helpdesk on campus. I play bass, guitar, ubass, ukulele, piano, mandolin, flute, and theremin (at wildly varying skill levels lol). My main instrument is bass, which I play in a campus ensemble, and I sing in the university chorale as well. I also have two adorable gerbils named Data (right) and Geordi (left), aka the little ladies!

Two gerbils in an enclosure. Geordi is nutmeg-colored with a white underbelly, Data is Siamese-colored.

I'm learning HTML/CSS by coding this website, so it'll probably be a little janky sometimes. But that's okay! I'm having fun!

I never enjoyed programming when I had to learn it for my compsci minor - I disliked it so much I dropped the minor - but this is different and a lot more interesting to me. Yay!

Wondering why this website is called normalparameters? Well, whenever anyone asks Data how he's doing/feeling, he says, "I am functioning within normal parameters." I wanted a Trek-related url that was short, fun to say, and not too obvious a reference. I think it's fun! :D

things i like

  • music and music theory
  • robots
  • movies and collecting dvds/blurays
  • all things british, especially sitcoms
  • gerbils and birds
  • knitting
  • computers and retro tech
  • my friends <3